Service Work

Most A.A. members participate by going to meetings at their local groups. But there are many opportunities for service in A.A., and most of us have found that volunteering to do service improves the quality of our recovery. We freely share our time and talent in an effort to stay sober and carry the message of Alcoholics Anonymous to those who are suffering from alcoholism. In other words, you get what you give.
The Treasurer keeps financial records for the district and reports regularly at the district meetings.
Cooperation with the Professional Community
Cooperating with nonalcoholic professionals is an effective way to carry the message to the sick alcoholic. Such people often meet the alcoholic in places where A.A. is not present. Through professionals, alcoholics may be reached who might otherwise never find the program, or they may be reached sooner with the help of informed non-A.A.s.
Public Information
Public Information (P.I.) in Alcoholics Anonymous means carrying the message of recovery to the still-suffering alcoholic by informing the general public about the A.A. program. We carry the message by getting in touch with and responding to the media, schools, industry, and other organizations which can report on the nature and purpose of A.A. and what it can do for alcoholics
Corrections Committee
The Corrections committee is to carry the message of Alcoholics Anonymous to the alcoholic who is confined. The activities of this committee are based on and governed by the Twelve Traditions of A.A. The purpose of this committee is fulfilled in two ways: (1) Taking A.A. meetings into correctional facilities within the district, and (2) Providing G.S.O. conference – approved A.A. literature to inmates. The material in these Guidelines has come from the experience and “growing pains” of A.A. correctional facilities committees.
The Grapevine Chair recruits, trains, and motivates volunteers to go to meetings and carry the message of the Grapevine. The Grapevine Chair creates a Grapevine display to set up at district meetings and events to share the message of what it has to offer. Provides subscription forms and the like to allow more people to enjoy the Grapevine. Typically, the time required for this work would be approximately 1 hour per month, not including time spent at District business meetings.
Local Committee Member (LCM)
The L.C.M. Chair recruits, trains, and motivates volunteers to carry the message of the District and its available services to those meetings and groups that do not have a G.S.R. The L.C.M. Chair also assists those groups and meetings that want to become autonomous to do so. Please know that it is not the intent for the L.C.M. and volunteers to become the G.S.R.’s for those meeting. Rather it may be suggested how the group can get connected to A.A. as a whole by having their own G.S.R. If no group member
would like to be G.S.R., it may be suggested that the group elect a main contact.
Treatment Facilities
The T.F Chair has one purpose: to help A.A. members carry the message of Alcoholics Anonymous into Hospital and Treatment Facilities. Additionally, the “Bridge the Gap” committee assists when recovering alcoholics are released from treatment by taking them to a variety of AA meetings, introduce them to other members of AA, and share the message about sponsorship and a home group.
The Webmaster should have a good working knowledge of computers and the internet. The Webmaster will coordinate with the other committee members to include the DCM, Secretary, Workshop Chair, and District Committee Chairs.
Newsletter Committee
The Newsletter Committee Chair is responsible for gaining all the information about events, meeting needs, and future events in and outside the district. The newsletter is intended to support local events, conferences, and meetings in and outside the district. Typically the newsletter follows a guideline of publishing a step per month along with providing a grapevine newsletter on the back of the newsletter related to that step. District and meeting needs can also be published in the newsletter along with general information relevant to AA that may help those who read it.